Thursday, July 8, 2010

July,7th.2010 Go To Magruders

They have Chicken quarters for 59 cents a pound!
Also,Ground Turkey for $1.39 a pound....
Cheese Blocks of 8 oz. Are $1.19

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1,2010 Magruders

Also there get Kraft BBQ sauce 89 cents a bottle,and spare ribs are $1.99 a pound
about as low as they get unless you buy 10 pounds at a time...chicken breasts are $1.99 a pound
not A HUGE DEAL....

July 1,2010 Magruders

Blueberries are still $1.50 a pint......Campbells canned pork & beans are 25 cents each!
Deli ham is $2.99 a pound......

Friday, June 25, 2010

Marguders 6/24

Thru next Tuesday 6/29 Pint of Bleberries $1.50 ( Strawberries or blackberries)
Found small pkgs of Chicken thighs for 99 centa a pound,$1.50 a pkg. of 6 typically...

Giant food has Breyers Ice Cream $2.50 and Cherries $1.57 Pound....

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Safeway this weekend only 6/19 & 6/20

Get Starkist tuna for 44 cents a can!!!!!!!!!!!!
48 oz. of cooking oil for$1.99
Hillshire farm sausages for $1.99 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Giant Food Friday 6/18

For a week get a pint of fresh blue berries for $ 1.25 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A gallon of milk for $ 2.50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turkey hill ice cream 48oz...for $ 1.99 !!!!!!!!!! ( Choco mint chip is the best anywhere!!!! )

Bloom 6/17/10

Went to Bloom and founf Food Lion Ice Cream $1.99 I chose Strawberry Cheesecake...
Cantelopes are 99 cents each !!!!! Thru next Tuesday.....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Harris Teeter Good Thru 6/15

While I was there getting my 2nd. whole chicken for 59 cents a pound...I also
found peanut butter for $1.47 Value Brand,Saltines for $1.27,and the ready
to fry hashbrowns are buy one get one free which made them $1.37 a pkg.

Friday, June 11, 2010

More on China Canteen - Rockville

This restaurant on 808 Hungerford Which is Rt. 355 Rockville Pike....301-424-1616

I found out that if your table orders at least $50 worth of food you get a free fish dish!
This can be the fish in spicy chili sauce which is awesome,a bonus value of probably $15
depending on what timne and what day you go....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Orioles Baseball Tickets Cheap!!!!!

I have it on good authority that there is a no-scalping zone at Camden Yards
where people can sell their tickets for face value only or less.....I am told if you
arrive at this zone at game time you can get decent seats for about 50% of face value as your argument can be they are worthless when the game starts pretty much,I have not tried this myself yet but plan to soon....I would warn you not to try this during a Yankee or Red Sox series
as these games are close to sell outs and the risk of driving all the way up there is probably not worth it,they are drawing about 8-9 thousand per game unless these 2 teams come when they get about 45 thousand per game.....

Gem of a Chinese Restaurant in Rockville

China Canteen 808 Hungerford on the Pike right near Montgomery College...301-424-1616

Lunch M-F is the time to hit this place,$5.50 gets you a choice of about 20 lunch specials
some are amazing,Scallops and mixed Vegetables had large sea Scallops and better than
average veggies,the duck meat with scallions had a generous portion of boneless duckmeat,
the whole fish in spicy chili sauce is too much for one person to eat,they offer this boneless
as well which was easy to eat,but I could eat it all.....each meal comes with a big bowl of soup
included,hot & sour was decent.....white or brown rice....I will go back many times and try more
of the menu.....crowded at noon,empties out at 1pm...

Harris Tetter 6/9/10 Rockville

They have whole Chickens for 59 Cents a pound!!!! Amazing price.....BUT nothing else
in their flyer this week looks like a just go for the chicken...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

6/5/10 Safeway

Not a lot going on but Safeway has a nice price on Ground Beef 80 -20%fat $1.99 Thru Tuesday....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Safeway this week 6/3/10

They have nice ground beef available at $1.99 a Lb......may half to buy a larger amount than usual ......I saw about 3 Lb. average Pkg.

Also the great one is a wonderful French baguette...large and fresh...crusty on the outside and chewy on the inside for 99 Cents !!!!!!!!!!

Only until net Tuesday 6/8/10

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Late Hints on Giant Food 5/26/10

Go to Giant Food:

Breyer's Ice Cream is $1.99 a 56oz. size,less than half price!
They have chicken Breasts for 99 Cents a Pound....
Also Roma Brand Italian Sausage looks like Bratwurst.....$1.99 a package 16oz....
Hamburger Helper is $1 and they have new flavors like Mexican Enchilada....

Only with a Giant Card and only Thru this ad kicks in on Friday...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Safeway this week 5/20

Go to Safeway until Tuesday May 25th.........

Chicken Breasts are 97 Cents a LB.
And Pork Country Ribs are also 97 Cents a LB....
Nice Artisan chocolate cake slices and others are 99 cents each....
A 4 Pack of light bulbs are 99 cents too !!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Starting Today 5/12 Magruders

Good deals this week thru Tuesday 5/18............

Polaner All Fruit Preserves 99 Cents
Deli Turkey Breat 2.99 Lb.
White Bread Loaf 99 Cents
Romaine 1.00 Head
Peter Pan Peanut Butter 3 for $3 have to buy three 16.3 Oz.
Fresh Bagels 4/1.60
Turkey Hill Ice Cream 48Oz......1.99
Magruder's Italian Sausage Links 1.99 Lb.
Chicken Thighs 79 Cents Lb.
Ground Turkey 1.29 Lb.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Magruders 5/5/10

Best thing going at Magruder's this week is on Mother;s Day Sunday only they will
sell chicken quarters for 48 cents a pound!

Other items of interest this week until next Tuesday the 11th.....
Totinos Frozen Pizza 99 Cents each.....(very tasty frozen pizza)
Green's Ice Cream 56oz.... $ 2.49
Hanover Frozen Vegetables 16oz......99 Cents Each
Green Beans or Zhuchini 88 Cents a pound.
Deli Chopped Ham $1.99 a Pound
Deli Liverwurst $1.99 a Pound

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

4/28/10 Safeway

Starting today Safeway has round steak for $ 1.49 a pound !!!!! White or Wheat bread is 99 cents a loaf......grab and go hoagies $1.99 usually $2.99....

Saturday and Sunday only they have Brats or Italian Sausage for $1.99 LB. Safe way brand.
Also on the weekend,Kraft Salad Dressings 99 cents...Cheez-It Crackers 99 cents...Chicken of The Sea Tuna 44 cents a can....medium frozen shrimp raw $2.99 Lb. sold in 2 Lb. pkgs...
Red Baron Frozen Large Pizzas $ 2.99 .....

4/27/10 Magruders

Starting today they have:

Chicken Leg Quarters Perdue Quality 69 Cents a Lb. ( My pack cost $2.78 and will make 3 meals)

Green's Ice Cream 56 Oz. $2.49

Plum Tomatoes From Mexico Really Look Good 88 Censt A Lb. Lettuce is $1 a head.............

Peter Pan Peanut Butter $1.50 15 Oz.

Friday Thru Sunday they have whole whiting ( A white meat fish from the Atlantic) 99 Cents a LB. And Sunday only they have EXTRA LARGE eggs 99 cents a Dozen !

Monday, April 5, 2010

Giant Food Breyers Ice Cream

Hey April 4-8th...get 56oz. Ice Cream for $1.99 Breyers my favorite is Snicker's Bar

Bottom Dollar deals this week


Get to Bottom Dollar this week before Wednesday.....they have whole shank hams for 77 cents a Lb.....a good size ham for about $5.50 and Food Lion Canned Veggies 25 cents a can......oh yeah
and Mrs. Smith Frozen Pies for $2.50......on Rt.355 just North of Shady Grove Road in Walnut Hills Shopping Center

Friday, April 2, 2010

Bloom - Breyers Ice Cream

Not half a gallon anymore but the large size is $2.50 this week at Bloom stores......
I just got back from getting my favorite....Snickers Ice Cream Flavor....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Food Specials This week 3/24/10

Bottom Dollar has hams for 77 cents a pound! Chicken Breasts for 88 cents a pound.
And Hillshire farms sausage and kielbasa for $1.87 a pkg.

Safeway has Progresso Soup for $1 a can normally $2.59 and I saw their own Safeway brand
Italin Sausage for $2.50 a pound....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tire pressure

When the weather cools your tire pressure drops, a lot........if you are running
on low tires you are losing miles per gallon of gas ,now $2.84 a while
your tires are cold meaning you have not driven on them,check the pressure and
look on you car's door jam or manual for correct pressure......usually near 32psi....

Bottom Dollar this week

I am going for the 67 cent a pound whoole chickens this week until Next Tuesday!!!!!!
Pork butt for $1.27 a pound is a good deal too!

Giant food this week.....

Hey Giant does not have a lot this week but Progresso soup for $1 is a bargain normally $2.39

Sunday, February 21, 2010


They have Eggs $1.39
Deli Turkey and Swiss for $2.99 A Lb.
Grapefruit 4/$1.00
Until Tuesday!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Giant Food Store 2/19/10

They have Breyers ice cream for $1.99 better than half off.....I love the snickers flavor.....
not much else,except I heard tale of french bread 99 cents a loaf on Friday only so go get some...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Magruders Starts Today 2/17

Get deli Turkey Lunchmeat $2.99 a Lb.
Get deli Swiss Cheese Sliced at $2.99 a Lb.
Totinos Frozen Pizzas 99 Cents Each....

Bottom Dollar-16567 Frederick Road Rt.355

Just north of Shady Grove

Starts today until next Tuesday......

50 Cents buys you:

24 Oz. Ketchup
12 Oz. Chocolate Chip
Small Frozen Pizzas
10.66Oz. American Cheese Slices

Also get 5Lb. Bag of Baking Potatoes for $1.88

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bottom Dollar Deals This Week

Please go to Bottom Dollar this week.....

One Pound of Bacon $1.47
Whole Chickens 67 Cents Per Pound
Pork Butt 98 Cents a pound
Bulk Sausage97 Cents a pound
Hot Dogs 77 Cents

Really Great Deals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Food Shopping Before a snow storm.....

The checkout lines can be an hour long......the trick I use is: buy as few items as you can get by with and do not buy produce or anything that needs weighing......go to the self checkout line and stand there as visible as you can to the controller of the self check lanes......she will always pull someone like this out of line and chekc them out herself.....I just got back from Bloom granted with 4 items,but I was only in line 5 minutes at most......I could have done it again and still been ahead,timewise....good luck....

Sunday, January 31, 2010

This week in food bargains


Thru Tuesday go to Bloom where whole chickens are going for 67 cents a Lb.
They also have Chuck Roast or Pot Roast for $1.97 a Lb.

Go to Bottom Dollar if you want 20 Oz.Pkgs. Of Bratwurst for $2.77

Monday, January 25, 2010

Food Bargains this week thru Thuesday

Go to Bottom Dollar in Gaithersburg whole chickens ar 55cents a lb.....

Check out Bloom Stores Pork Shoulders are 99 cents a lb....

Safeway had a lot 99cent deals.....whole bags of ready to eat salad,BBQ sauce was also 99 cents....

When you order carry out or delivery food......

Look for coupons attached to the menu......most people, I notice, do not tear these off and m,etion them when they order......examples of this are 2 free orders of soup when your order is $15 or
more.....or free soda with a $10 purchase......most of it is FREE so why not?