Sunday, February 21, 2010


They have Eggs $1.39
Deli Turkey and Swiss for $2.99 A Lb.
Grapefruit 4/$1.00
Until Tuesday!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Giant Food Store 2/19/10

They have Breyers ice cream for $1.99 better than half off.....I love the snickers flavor.....
not much else,except I heard tale of french bread 99 cents a loaf on Friday only so go get some...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Magruders Starts Today 2/17

Get deli Turkey Lunchmeat $2.99 a Lb.
Get deli Swiss Cheese Sliced at $2.99 a Lb.
Totinos Frozen Pizzas 99 Cents Each....

Bottom Dollar-16567 Frederick Road Rt.355

Just north of Shady Grove

Starts today until next Tuesday......

50 Cents buys you:

24 Oz. Ketchup
12 Oz. Chocolate Chip
Small Frozen Pizzas
10.66Oz. American Cheese Slices

Also get 5Lb. Bag of Baking Potatoes for $1.88

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bottom Dollar Deals This Week

Please go to Bottom Dollar this week.....

One Pound of Bacon $1.47
Whole Chickens 67 Cents Per Pound
Pork Butt 98 Cents a pound
Bulk Sausage97 Cents a pound
Hot Dogs 77 Cents

Really Great Deals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Food Shopping Before a snow storm.....

The checkout lines can be an hour long......the trick I use is: buy as few items as you can get by with and do not buy produce or anything that needs weighing......go to the self checkout line and stand there as visible as you can to the controller of the self check lanes......she will always pull someone like this out of line and chekc them out herself.....I just got back from Bloom granted with 4 items,but I was only in line 5 minutes at most......I could have done it again and still been ahead,timewise....good luck....