Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Late Hints on Giant Food 5/26/10

Go to Giant Food:

Breyer's Ice Cream is $1.99 a 56oz. size,less than half price!
They have chicken Breasts for 99 Cents a Pound....
Also Roma Brand Italian Sausage looks like Bratwurst.....$1.99 a package 16oz....
Hamburger Helper is $1 and they have new flavors like Mexican Enchilada....

Only with a Giant Card and only Thru this ad kicks in on Friday...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Safeway this week 5/20

Go to Safeway until Tuesday May 25th.........

Chicken Breasts are 97 Cents a LB.
And Pork Country Ribs are also 97 Cents a LB....
Nice Artisan chocolate cake slices and others are 99 cents each....
A 4 Pack of light bulbs are 99 cents too !!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Starting Today 5/12 Magruders

Good deals this week thru Tuesday 5/18............

Polaner All Fruit Preserves 99 Cents
Deli Turkey Breat 2.99 Lb.
White Bread Loaf 99 Cents
Romaine 1.00 Head
Peter Pan Peanut Butter 3 for $3 have to buy three 16.3 Oz.
Fresh Bagels 4/1.60
Turkey Hill Ice Cream 48Oz......1.99
Magruder's Italian Sausage Links 1.99 Lb.
Chicken Thighs 79 Cents Lb.
Ground Turkey 1.29 Lb.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Magruders 5/5/10

Best thing going at Magruder's this week is on Mother;s Day Sunday only they will
sell chicken quarters for 48 cents a pound!

Other items of interest this week until next Tuesday the 11th.....
Totinos Frozen Pizza 99 Cents each.....(very tasty frozen pizza)
Green's Ice Cream 56oz.... $ 2.49
Hanover Frozen Vegetables 16oz......99 Cents Each
Green Beans or Zhuchini 88 Cents a pound.
Deli Chopped Ham $1.99 a Pound
Deli Liverwurst $1.99 a Pound